A large mining truck on a road in a vast open-pit mining site with mountains in the background.


We are taking steps to reduce GHG emissions across every part of our business, with the ambition of being fully net-zero by 2050.

Reducing our carbon footprint

Teck has set short- and long-term goals to reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, including becoming fully net-zero by 2050:  

  • Net-zero operations (Scope 1 and 2 emissions) by 2050 

  • Net-zero Scope 2 emissions by 2025 

  • Reduce carbon intensity of operations 33% by 2030 

  • Ambition to achieve net-zero Scope 3 emissions by 2050 

Sourcing Clean Power

Person in safety gear stands confidently in front of solar panels with a mountainous backdrop.

About 79% 1 of the power our operations use today comes from renewable, zero-carbon sources, and we are continuing to improve. We are committed to achieving net-zero Scope 2 (purchased electricity) emissions by 2025, and we have already taken substantial actions towards this goal by securing 50% of our future power needs at our QB2 copper project from clean power and 100% of our electricity supply for our Carmen de Andacollo operation from renewables.

1: Teck Metals Operations for 2023

Electrifying Our Equipment

Large electric dump truck labeled 'OVERSIZE LOAD' on a construction site.

Fuel use in our mobile equipment is the largest source of scope 1 GHG emissions at Teck. We are working towards electrification of our mobile fleets to reduce emissions from diesel use, including in our large haul trucks and other mobile equipment.  

We are deploying other electric mobile equipment, including electric crew buses and a project with MEDATech to pilot a fully-electric, on-highway transport truck at our Highland Valley Copper Operations, the first use of a battery-electric truck to haul copper concentrate worldwide.

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage

CCUS: How it Works and Benefits


The blast furnace and CCUS technique is the only commercially ready technology capable of decarbonizing the steelmaking industry at the rate and scale required by 2050 to limit global temperature increases to 1.5°C.

Already a proven technology, CCUS is well positioned for large-scale adoption and has the potential to reduce up to 80% of emissions at existing integrated steelmaking facilities. Blast furnace and CCUS is the most cost competitive and commercially viable solution for large-scale decarbonization because it makes use of the over US$1 trillion of newer installed blast furnaces.

Proven technology in hard-to-abate industries

CCUS operates in power generation, refining, petrochemicals, agrichemicals and the steel/iron industry

Blast Furnace + CCUS is commercially viable

  • Leverages >US$1 trillion of newer installed blast furnace fleet

  • Ample global CCUS storage capacity of ~5 trillion tonnes CO2

Fastest path to large-scale decarbonization

  • >72% of global steel is produced through the blast furnace route 

  • Capable of decarbonizing the steelmaking industry at the rate and scale required by 2050

Accelerators to adoption

Large-scale hub and cluster transportation and storage infrastructure will support economies of scale

Learn more about CCUS at Teck