We are committed to responsible business practices in all aspects of our activities. The Safety and Sustainability (S&S) Committee of the Board of Directors provides policy direction and monitors the Company’s environmental, social and safety performance.
The Health and Safety Policy fortifies a corporate commitment to providing leadership and resources for entrenching core values of safety and health.
Our company-wide commitments are outlined in the following key sustainability policy documents:
Anti Bribery and Corruption Compliance Policy and Interpretation Guide — This Policy supplements our existing Code of Ethics and reinforces our commitment to work against corruption in all its forms. Available in Spanish, Turkish and Chinese.
Climate Change Policy — Our commitment to taking climate action, including reducing our own emissions, adapting to physical impacts and advocating for global action to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
Code of Sustainable Conduct — Our commitment to sustainable development, focusing on aspects such as community and environmental performance
Code of Ethics — Our dedication to upholding high moral and ethical standards, specifying basic business conduct and behaviour
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy – Our commitment to supporting an equitable, diverse and inclusive workplace that recognizes and values difference and where everyone is treated fairly with dignity and respect. Available in Spanish.
Health and Safety Policy — Our commitment to providing leadership and resources for entrenching the core value of safety
Human Rights Policy — Our commitment to respecting the rights of our employees, the communities in which we operate and others affected by our activities
Indigenous Peoples Policy – Our commitment to respect the rights, cultures, interests, and aspirations of Indigenous Peoples.
Political Contributions Policy – Our commitment to zero direct political donations.
Respectful Workplace Policy – Our commitment to create a safe, inclusive and healthy workplace in which every person is treated with dignity and respect
Tailings Management Policy - Teck is committed to the safe and environmentally responsible management of tailings facilities throughout the mining life cycle to minimize harm to the environment and protect the health and safety of our people and surrounding Communities of Interest.
Teck’s Expectations for Suppliers and Contractors — Established to clearly communicate Teck’s expectations for suppliers of goods and contractors performing services for or on behalf of Teck.
Tax Policy - Our commitment to be transparent, cooperative, compliant and ethical in all tax matters.
Water Policy - Our commitment to protect water and the life it sustains by being an industry leader in water stewardship.
Teck’s Sustainability Standards put our Charter and Codes into practice and were modelled after the International Standard Organization’s ISO 14001 management standards, OHSAS 18001 standards and EPA compliance-focused EMS guidance.
Our sustainability management system provides a structure for implementing our sustainability commitments. It includes overarching corporate policies and charter, the Sustainability Standards, site and corporate level procedures and corporate guidelines on sustainability matters.
Report a Concern
If you would like to report a concern regarding a potential violation of our Code of Ethics or other policies, you may report it, anonymously if you wish, through our third party hosted Doing What's Right hotline: www.teck.com/speakup