Trail Operations

Trail Operations is one of the world’s largest fully integrated zinc and lead smelting and refining complexes, located in southern British Columbia.

About Trail Operations

Teck’s Trail Operations, located in the community of Trail in British Columbia, is one of the world’s largest fully integrated zinc and lead smelting and refining complexes. The metallurgical operations produce refined zinc and lead, a variety of precious and specialty metals, chemicals and fertilizer products.

The Waneta Dam provides low-cost, clean and renewable power to the metallurgical operations. 

Trail Operating Results

($ in millions)

2024 2023 2022


$2,003 $1,992 $2,059

Gross profit (loss)

$(66) $(2) $(93)

Gross Profit (loss) before depreciation and amortization1

$12 $103 $(18)

Production — Refined Zinc (thousand tonnes)

256 267 249

Sales (thousand tonnes)

260 258 257
1 This is a non-GAAP financial measure or ratio. See "Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Ratios" section of the Management's Discussion and Analysis for further information.


Trail Area Wide Area Remediation Plan (WARP)

Teck is developing a Wide Area Remediation Plan for the Lower Columbia River valley, which will set out measures to address impacts related to historical air emissions from the smelter in Trail. The Plan will incorporate a recommendation from a Medical Health Officer that will guide remediation measures for lead (Pb).

Provide your feedback by January 31, 2025.

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Lower Columbia Ecosystem Management Program (LCEMP)

The Lower Columbia Ecosystem Management Program (LCEMP) is a collaborative approach to assess, rehabilitate, monitor, conserve and enhance land ecosystems in the Lower Columbia area.

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Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program (AEMP)

The Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program (AEMP) is an in-depth review of the aquatic health of the Lower Columbia River downstream of Trail Operations which has confirmed that water quality is good, the river is healthy, and fish are safe to eat.

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Upper Columbia River Project

Trail Operations is carrying out remedial investigation and feasibility studies in the Upper Columbia River area. To date, the studies have generally shown that the water in the river system meets applicable water quality standards in both Canada and the United States, that the beaches are safe for recreational activities, and that the fish in the river system are as safe or safer to eat than fish in other water bodies in Washington State. 

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Trail Facility Environmental Improvements

Since the 1970s, $1.7 billion has been invested in a modernization program to improve our operational and environmental performance.

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TrailGroundwater Remediation Plan

As part of the Ecological Risk Assessment conducted at Trail Operations, Teck identified an area of groundwater affected by the site’s historical activities. Since then, we have undertaken a series of studies to identify the scope and impact of the affected groundwater, have developed a groundwater remediation plan, and are implementing the plan.

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Trail Area Health & Environment Committee

Teck Trail Operations is actively involved in the Trail Area Health and & Environment Committee, a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue, collective decision making and community engagement with respect to health and environment programs (, chaired by the Mayor of Trail with representatives from Teck, Interior Health, B.C. Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, Trail and Warfield municipal councils and local community members. Click the following link to learn more about the program and resources available.

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Trail News Releases

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