Fostering Excellence Through Learning and Development Programs

Our people are essential to our success. At Teck, we work to ensure that our people have the capacity, competency and opportunity to grow, so we are able to do more, and be more, together. 

Our learning and development programs not only underscore Teck's dedication to excellence but also emphasize its strategic approach to aligning values and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Here are some examples of how Teck is advancing learning and development.   

Elkview Operations: Maintenance Mentorship Program
The maintenance mentorship program was established to address haul truck availability due to installation challenges by upskilling our trades workforce. The objective of this program is to reduce equipment downtime and equipment damage while upskilling workers ability to efficiently complete haul truck maintenance. It also supports Teck’s strategic priority to foster a workplace where everyone is included, valued and equipped for today and the future as well as our goal to equip our employees for workplace needs, including upskilling and reskilling. Though new in 2023, the program has already shown improved truck availability, better work order transitions, and less equipment downtime increasing haul truck product availability by 3.6%. To date, 124 employees, representing approximately 1% of the company’s FTEs workforce, have participated in the program. The total participation rate was 100% of the initially targeted employees for the program.

Fording River Operations: Haul Truck Dynamic Score Card
The haul truck dynamic scorecard program was developed to track spot and queue times for haul truck drivers and identify additional training requirements. Spot time refers to the time that the loading unit is waiting for the truck to move into position and queue time refers to the time the truck waits in line at the loading or dumping point.

This program's objective is to increase safety through better training consistency, improve haul truck load time efficiency, and reduce equipment wear and tear. The scorecard program also supports Teck’s goal to equip our employees for workplace needs, including upskilling and reskilling as well as our commitment to continuous improvement in efficiency and productivity. New hires showed a 6.6-second improvement per load, resulting in significant estimated savings of $104 million over 12 months. In 2023, 150 employees at Fording River, or approximately 1% of the company’s FTEs workforce, actively participated in this program. The total participation rate was 100% of the initially targeted employees for the program.

Teck's multifaceted learning and development initiatives exemplify its commitment to excellence, aligning values, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

Chilean Operations: Cultural Onboarding for External Contractors Pilot
Conducted in November and December 2023, this pilot program focuses on onboarding external collaborators at QB and CDA operations. It aims to transmit Teck's values of inclusion, respect, diversity, and sustainability to 500 external collaborators, fostering strategic cohesion. While not economically measured, survey results indicate high relevance (86%) and a willingness to continue the program (76%). The program has engaged over 530 external collaborators and 7 internal facilitators. The total participation rate was 77% of the initially targeted collaborators for the program, above the target of 70%.
