ESG Ratings and Indices1
ISS ESG - Corporate Rating
Teck achieved ‘Prime’ status on the ISS ESG Corporate Rating as of November 2024, meaning we achieved/exceeded the performance requirements (Prime threshold) defined by ISS ESG for our industry.
ISS ESG - E&S QualityScore
Teck received an E&S QualityScore of 1, rated in the top decile indicating a high disclosure rate as of our last E&S data profile update: November 2024.
Morningstar Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating
Teck is recognized by Morningstar Sustainalytics as a 2024 ESG Industry Top-Rated company.
As of July 2024, Teck received an MSCI ESG Rating of A, classifying Teck as Average in the metals and mining non-precious metals industry. Teck is classified as an ESG industry leader in corporate governance, corporate behaviour, health and safety, and carbon emissions.
S&P Corporate Sustainability Assessment
Named to the Dow Jones Best-in-Class World Index for the 15th straight year. Recognized as a member of the S&P Global 2025 Sustainability Yearbook. Teck’s 2024 Corporate Sustainability (CSA) score is 76/100 reflecting an improvement of 3 points on our 2023 score (CSA score date: November 7, 2024).
LSEG Data & Analytics
Received an LSEG score of 80 for FY2023, as of February 25, 2025. Scores above 75 indicate excellent relative ESG performance and high degree of transparency in reporting material ESG data publicly. Scores are updated weekly.
Corporate Knights - Best 50 Corporate Citizens
Teck was named as one of Corporate Knights’ 2024 Best 50 Corporate Citizens in Canada for the 18th consecutive year.
FTSE4Good Index
Teck was listed on the FTSE Russell FTSE4Good Index in 2024, and was ranked in the top percentile for the basic resources sector.
Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDi)
In the 2024 WDi survey, Teck received a disclosure score of 87%, above the materials sector average of 58% and Canada average of 65%.
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark - World Benchmarking Alliance
Teck was assessed by the CHRB in 2023 and was ranked above the extractive industry average. CHRB ranks companies based on disclosure and performance related to human rights practices.
Global Health 50/50
In 2024, Teck was named a “Moderate Performer” on the Gender & Health Index, with our trend performance as Fast Riser (organization has increased their score by 3 or more points since 2021).
[1] ESG Disclaimers
Canada’s Top Employers for Young People
In 2025, Teck was named as one of Canada’s Top Employers for Young People, which recognizes companies for exceptional programs and performance in attracting and retaining younger workers. The criteria include benefits such as tuition assistance, availability of co-op or work-study programs, mentorship and training programs, and career management programs.
Canada’s Top 100 Employers
In 2024, Teck was selected as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers for the seventh consecutive year. The award recognizes companies for exceptional performance on eight criteria: Physical Workplace; Work Atmosphere and Social; Health, Financial, and Family Benefits; Vacation and Time Off; Employee Communications; Performance Management; Training & Skills Development; and Community Involvement.
Forbes World’s Top Employers
In 2024, Teck was named to the Forbes World’s Best Employers 2024 list, an employee-driven ranking of multinational companies and institutions from over 50 countries around the world that looked at various employment topics and willingness to recommend an employer to friends and family.
Forbes World's Top Companies for Women
In 2024, Teck was named to the Forbes World’s Top Companies for Women 2024 list, an employee-driven ranking of multinational corporations from 37 countries around the world that looked at various employment topics and willingness to recommend an employer to friends and family, as well as general workplace practices and gender-specific issues.
Gender Equality Awards – Global Compact Network Canada
In 2024, Teck was awarded the Gender Equality Award for the sixth consecutive year from the Global Compact Network. Teck was included in the 2024 index for scoring at or above the global threshold established by Bloomberg to reflect a high level of disclosure and overall performance across the framework’s five pillars: female leadership and talent pipeline, equal pay and gender pay parity, inclusive culture, sexual harassment policies, and pro-women brand.
Forbes Canada’s Best Employers
In 2021, Teck was named to Forbes Canada’s Best Employers 2021 List. The list was selected by Forbes and Statistica, through an independent survey applied to a vast sample of more than 8,000 Canadian employees working for companies with more than 500 employees in Canada. The evaluation was based on direct and indirect recommendations from employees that were asked to rate their willingness to recommend their own employers to friends and family.
Finance and Sustainability Initiative Award for Best Sustainability Report
In 2020, Teck won in the Non-Renewable Resources – Metals & Mining other than Gold category for Best Sustainability Report. In 2017 and 2018, Teck won in the Non-Renewable Resources – Metals & Mining category for Best Sustainability Report. The FSI Competition for Best Sustainability Report recognizes sustainability reports of Canadian companies that are part of the S&P/TSX Composite Index.