Smiling worker in safety gear and helmet with 'Teck' logo in an industrial setting.

Human Rights

Teck is committed to respecting and observing all human rights. We seek to avoid infringing, directly or complicity, on the human rights of our employees, contractors, workers in our value chain or on the rights of Indigenous Peoples and members of communities where we are active.

Human Rights

The term “human rights” describes the fundamental rights and freedoms that everyone is entitled to. They provide the basis for individuals to lead a dignified life, to freely express independent beliefs and to live free from abuse. They are inherent to all individuals, regardless of nationality, place of residence, gender, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language or any other status. Everyone is equally entitled to enjoy their human rights without discrimination.

We recognize that the nature of mining activities, whether in exploration, construction, operation or closure, create the potential for a wide range of human rights risks. We actively work to mitigate those risks and are committed to continuous improvement in our due diligence, risk assessment and training processes. Where we have caused or contributed to adverse human rights impacts, we contribute to their remediation as appropriate.
We are focused on ensuring that respect for human rights is integrated into our business practices. We manage human rights risks and impacts across areas such as health and safety, security and risk, human resources, contracts and procurement, and community and Indigenous relations. 

Our Policies and Approach

Our Human Rights Policy affirms Teck’s commitment to respect human rights and align with responsible business standards, such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Our Approach to Human Rights summarizes Teck’s human rights management, including our governance structure, commitment to ongoing human rights due diligence, and salient human rights risks.

Teck’s Expectations for Suppliers and Contractors outlines the minimum standard of conduct required of all suppliers and contractors of Teck, with specific focus on human rights-related requirements.

Our Indigenous Peoples Policy affirms our commitment to respect the rights, cultures, interests and aspirations of Indigenous Peoples.

Our Approach to Relationships with Indigenous Peoples summarizes our approach to recognizing and respecting the rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples.

Teck’s Modern Slavery Report outlines how we are identifying and mitigating the risk of modern slavery, including forced labour and child labour, in our operations and supply chain.

Teck’s most recent performance related to human rights management can be found in the Human Rights section of our Sustainability Report

Our Human Rights Policy affirms Teck’s commitment to respect human rights and align with responsible business standards, such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Our Approach to Human Rights summarizes Teck’s human rights management, including our governance structure, commitment to ongoing human rights due diligence, and salient human rights risks.

Teck’s Expectations for Suppliers and Contractors outlines the minimum standard of conduct required of all suppliers and contractors of Teck, with specific focus on human rights-related requirements.

Our Indigenous Peoples Policy affirms our commitment to respect the rights, cultures, interests and aspirations of Indigenous Peoples.

Our Approach to Relationships with Indigenous Peoples summarizes our approach to recognizing and respecting the rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples.

Teck’s Modern Slavery Report outlines how we are identifying and mitigating the risk of modern slavery, including forced labour and child labour, in our operations and supply chain.

Teck’s most recent performance related to human rights management can be found in the Human Rights section of our Sustainability Report

Doing What’s Right

Teck’s confidential whistleblower program is available to anyone who has concerns or information related to conduct that is inconsistent with our Code of Ethics or our commitment to Doing What’s Right.

There are several ways to submit a report through the Doing What’s Right program:

  • Report an incident or concern online at
  • Call the Doing What’s Right hotline:
    Canada: 1.800.494.0274
    Chile: 800.719.929
    U.S.: 1.800.492.3451
    All other countries: Visit and search for your country in the drop-down menu under 'Call Us'. If your country is not listed, dial +1.720.514.4400 (place a collect call).

The hotline is confidential and anonymous, and Teck is committed to fairly and impartially investigating reports made in good faith, and to following up when complaints can be substantiated. We strictly prohibit any form of retaliation in relation to reports made in good faith and will take action if any form of retaliation occurs.