We are members or supporters of various organizations such as industry associations, NGOs and civil society groups that provide a platform for advancing responsible and competitive mining. Teck continually reviews our memberships to ensure they are in alignment with our values and principles and contribute to our community involvement as well as advocacy. This review may include assessing the purpose of the organization and the value membership may provide to Teck, activities and positions of advocacy of the organization, and Teck’s engagement approach with the organization.
On this page, there are two lists that outline the organizations with whom Teck is involved:
We believe it is important to engage with industry associations to advance research, share best practices and exert a positive influence across the extractive sector and beyond. There can be a wide range of views within the membership of each association and as members, we may not always agree with every position or approach. This is especially the case when the association’s membership is large and the mandate is broad, covering a wide range of issues. This diversity of perspectives creates a rich and full debate. When disagreement arises, Teck may provide greater clarity on our own positions and activities with policy makers, work with the association to understand alternative points of view and to seek common ground for progress, consider our ability to influence on policies or perspectives of the organization, or ultimately consider whether or not to continue participating in the association.
Below is a list of industry associations to which Teck pays annual memberships fees of $50,000 or more.
Partnerships, Projects, Initiatives and Commitments
As we implement our sustainability strategy, our involvement with these organizations provides us with guidance and opportunities to share best practices and contribute to industry standards, enabling us to evolve with the best sustainability practices in our industry. In this list, we highlight our most significant memberships, partnerships and alignment with external standards.
Industry Associations
Business Council of Canada
The Business Council of Canada brings business leaders together to shape public policy in the interests of a stronger Canada and a better world.
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM)
CIM is a Canadian non-profit organization that serves as a key technical and professional resource for the minerals, metals, materials, and petroleum sectors. With members convened from industry, academia and government, and a network of branches, societies, and committees, CIM is dedicated to advancing knowledge, promoting innovation, recognizing excellence, and advocating for sustainable practices within the industry.
Consejo Minero (Chile)
Consejo Minero promotes the competitive and sustainable development of Chilean mining while contributing to the country's welfare.
Council of Alaska Producers
The Council of Alaska Producers is the statewide, non-profit trade association representing Alaska's large metal mining industry.
International Copper Association
The International Copper Association brings together the global copper industry to develop and defend markets for copper and to make a positive contribution to society’s sustainable-development goals.
International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM)
ICMM is a global industry association that represents leading international mining and metals companies who are dedicated to a safe, fair and sustainable mining industry. As a member company, we are required to implement the 10 Sustainable Development Framework Principles, produce an externally verified sustainability report at the Global Reporting Initiative A+ level, and to adopt the ICMM Assurance Procedure. Learn more about our commitment to the 10 Principles.
International Lead Association
The International Lead Association is dedicated to encouraging responsible use of lead and its compounds.
International Zinc Association (IZA)
IZA is a non-profit organization that promotes the role that zinc plays in product applications, human health and crop nutrition. We participate in IZA’s programs that have a strategic focus in the areas of environment and sustainable development, technology and market development, and communications.
Mining Association of Canada (MAC)
MAC promotes the growth and development of Canada's mining and mineral-processing industry for the benefit of all Canadians. Through MAC, we are required to implement the Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) program, which aids in improving industry performance through the alignment of actions with the priorities and values of Canadians.
Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC)
MABC represents the collective needs and interests of B.C.’s mining industry. MABC promotes the economic and social value of mining by liaising with government, regulators and the industry.
Mining Minnesota
Mining Minnesota works with local citizens, businesses and other organizations to bring growth and job creation to the state through responsible development of natural resources.
National Mining Association
The National Mining Association is a United States trade organization that acts as the voice of the mining industry in Washington, D.C.
Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC)
The PDAC represents the interests of the Canadian mineral exploration and development industry. Teck incorporated PDAC’s Environmental Excellence in Exploration framework into the development of our HSEC Management Standards and into the Social Management and Responsibility at Teck (SMART) Exploration Tool.
World Economic Forum (WEF)
WEF is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. It provides a global, impartial and not-for-profit platform for meaningful connection between stakeholders to establish trust, and build initiatives for cooperation and progress.
Partnerships, Projects, Initiatives and Commitments
30% Club Canada
The aim of this organization is to encourage both board Chairs and CEOs to achieve better gender balance at the board level and at senior management levels. Teck’s President and CEO is a member of the 30% Club Canada.
Accelerate is Canada’s first Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) supply chain alliance, which brings together key players from mining to mobility, R&D to commercialization, and from vehicle assembly to infrastructure. Accelerate will allow members to collaborate, strategize and advocate for priorities that will support the accelerated development of a ZEV supply chain in Canada.
Australian Research Council
The Australian Research Council (ARC) is a Commonwealth entity and advises the Australian Government on research matters, administers the National Competitive Grants Program, a significant component of Australia's investment in research and development, and has responsibility for Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA). In 2017, Teck became part of an initial three-year applied research program, along with four universities in Australia and several other mining companies, that is focused on finding more effective tools for predicting and avoiding tailings facility failures.
BC Climate Solutions Council
This council—which includes members from Indigenous communities, environmental organizations, industry, academia, labour and local government—provides strategic advice to the British Columbia government on climate action and clean economic growth. Teck's Vice President, Environment is a council member.
BC Parks Foundation
BC Parks Foundation is the charitable partner of BC Parks, which a mission to protect the ecological integrity of BC’s parks, inspire an active parks support community and connect people to the outdoors. Teck supports the BC Parks Foundation’s iNaturalist project, which helps citizen scientists document and protect B.C.’s natural heritage
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion
An inclusive business network that provides research, learning and advisory services for workplace diversity and inclusion in Canada. Teck is an Employer Partner of this network.
A $50 million investment fund, of which Teck is a founding member, created to support Indigenous entrepreneurs or communities in Canada in pursuing economic opportunities.
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
The CDP is an independent organization working to drive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and sustainable water use by businesses and cities. Since 2006, we have responded to CDP.
Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition
A partnership of national and sub-national governments, businesses and organizations working toward integrating carbon pricing into the global economy. We are a private sector partner and we participate by sharing experience working with carbon pricing to expand the evidence base for the most effective carbon pricing systems and policies.
Champions Table
A formal and ongoing opportunity to foster dialogue between Indigenous and business leaders in British Columbia. Teck is a founding member of the Champions Table.
Council for Clean Capitalism
The Council for Clean Capitalism is a group of forward-thinking companies working together to ensure sufficient financing and transparency to smooth our transition to a low-carbon economy.
Embedding Project
The Embedding Project creates evidence-based assessments, guidebooks and tools for companies, and brings together change agents across industries from all around the world as part of their Communities of Practice or Regional Peer-to-Peer Networks.
Gender Equity in Mining Works
Gender Equity in Mining Works helps companies create a mining and minerals industry where women and men have the best opportunities for making great contributions and having rewarding careers.
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
The GRI pioneered what is now the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting framework, based on a balance of economic, environmental and social issues. We apply GRI’s Sustainability Reporting Standards to ensure that our sustainability report presents a complete and accurate picture of our operations.
The Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM)
Launched in August 2020, this standard sets a high benchmark for improving the safe management of tailings facilities and supports the ultimate goal of zero harm. Teck’s existing corporate tailings program mirrors all key aspects of the GISTM related to this goal. In addition, Teck is committed to implementation of the GISTM across our sites. All of our tailings management facilities are or will be in conformance with GISTM within three years of the standard’s launch. The Chair of Teck’s Tailings Working Group was part of the advisory group that provided input to develop GISTM.
Imagine Canada
Imagine Canada is a national charitable organization whose cause is Canada’s charities. Their three broad goals are to strengthen the sector’s collective voice, create opportunities to connect and learn from each other, and build the sector’s capacity to succeed.
International Bill of Human Rights
The International Bill of Human Rights consists of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its two Optional Protocols. Teck’s Human Rights Policy commits to respecting and observing all human rights contained in the International Bill of Human Rights.
International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards on Social and Environmental Sustainability
IFC applies social and environmental performance standards to all projects financed by the IFC and by Equator Principles Financial Institutions in order to minimize impacts on the environment and on affected communities. Where appropriate, the Performance Standards are incorporated into our management standards or associated guidance documents.
International Labour Organization (ILO)
The ILO is a tripartite UN agency uniting member governments, employers and workers in common pursuit of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights. We incorporate several ILO standards (e.g., child/forced labour, Indigenous and tribal People’s issues, minimum wage, overtime and working ages) into our Management Standards and practices.
International Network for Acid Prevention (INAP)
INAP pursues networking and information-sharing, technology transfer and gap-driven research to work towards reducing the liability associated with sulphide mine materials. Research projects are member driven and address the most significant information gaps in the prediction, prevention, management, measurement and treatment of acid drainage.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14001
The ISO 14001 environmental management standards exist to help organizations manage impacts on air, water or land. Four of our five operations are certified to ISO 14001 for their environmental management systems.
Mine Environment Neutral Drain Program (MEND)
The MEND program works to develop technologies to prevent and control acidic drainage, directed by a multi-stakeholder committee with members from the mining industry, federal and provincial governments and non-government organizations.
Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR)
A recognized leader in the development and implementation of national human resources solutions
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
These voluntary principles and standards for responsible business conduct address a variety of issues, including employment and industrial relations, human rights, environment, information disclosure, combating bribery, consumer interests, science and technology, competition and taxation. We apply the OECD Guidelines to inform our research on international best practices.
Pride Connection Chile
A network of companies that seeks to promote inclusive workspaces for sexual diversity and generate ties to attract LGBTQ2S+ talent to its various member organizations. Teck is the first mining company to join this network.
Reconciliation Canada
Engages Canadians in dialogue around the relationships among Indigenous Peoples and all Canadians. Teck seeks guidance and promotes the aims of Reconciliation Canada.
Red de Empresas Inclusivas (ReIN) Chile
An inclusive network of companies that seeks to incorporate people with disabilities into the workforce. Teck is the first mining company to join this network.
Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Business Network
SUN is a global movement of governments, civil society, the UN, businesses and researchers united to improve nutrition. Through our Zinc & Health program, Teck is one of 164 companies that have made a public commitment to improve nutrition and to track progress annually.
Sparwood Socio-Community and Economics Effects Advisory Committee (SCEEAC)
This is a partnership between community and industry to support ongoing dialogue and collaboration related to livability in the District of Sparwood and related to Teck’s Baldy Ridge Extension Project at Elkview Operations.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
TCFD provides a set of reporting guidelines for voluntary, climate-related financial risk disclosures for use by companies in providing information to investors, lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders. Teck has been a formal supporter of TCFD since 2018, and our Climate Change Outlook 2021 report aligns with the TCFD Guidelines.
Trail Area Health & Environment Committee
This is a partnership between community, industry and government to ensure a healthy community in Trail while supporting resource development. Teck is part of the Governance Committee.
The Minerva Foundation
An organization that supports women and girls in British Columbia, Canada, to gain the confidence and skills they need to reach their leadership potential. Teck’s President and CEO is a signatory of the foundation’s Diversity Pledge.
The Paris Pledge for Action
The Paris Pledge for Action is a pledge by non-party stakeholders who support the objectives of the Paris Agreement on climate change. By joining the pledge, stakeholders promise to ensure that the ambition set out by the Paris Agreement is met or exceeded to limit global temperature rise to less than 2 degrees Celsius. Teck is a signatory to the Paris Pledge for Action in support of reducing emissions and achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
United Nations Every Woman, Every Child Movement
Every Woman, Every Child is an unprecedented global movement by governments, multilaterals, the private sector and civil society to address major health challenges facing women and children around the world. In 2014, Teck’s Zinc & Health program commitment was accepted by the UN Secretary-General, and we report annually on its progress.
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
UNGC provides a framework for businesses committed to aligning their operations and strategies with 10 principles spanning human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. We annually report on our progress of implementing the 10 principles through our Communication on Progress.
UN Global Compact Water Action Platform (CEO Water Mandate)
The CEO Water Mandate is a commitment to adopt and implement the mandate’s strategic framework and its six core elements for water management.
United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) are internationally recognized guidelines setting out the roles of businesses and governments in preventing and addressing adverse impacts on human rights linked to business activity. Teck’s Human Rights programming and reporting have adopted this framework.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Launched by the UN Member States in 2015, the SDGs consist of 17 goals that aim to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges and shift the world onto a sustainable path. We use the SDGS to help guide our sustainability strategy and have developed our community investment program to advance progress on the SDGs.
UN Women
UN Women is the UN organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. Teck and UN Women entered into a US$1 million multi-year partnership in 2016 to promote the empowerment of Indigenous women in the northern regions of Chile, where the mining sector is a major economic driver. In 2018, UN Women and Teck announced the extension of their partnership and the development of a new training centre to empower Indigenous women in northern Chile, funded through an additional US$1 million investment from Teck.
Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR)
The Voluntary Principles Initiative is a membership-based global multi-stakeholder platform dedicated to sharing best practices and mutually supporting the implementation of the Voluntary Principles. The Voluntary Principles guide companies in conducting a comprehensive human rights risk assessment in their engagement with public and private security providers, to ensure human rights are respected. Teck’s multidisciplinary human rights self-assessments are aligned with these principles.
Women in Mining Canada National Action Plan
Facilitates the provision of assistance to women in mine-impacted areas who increasingly are facing socio-economic problems caused by mining activities. We participate on the Gender Advisory Committee by providing industry guidance and leadership to the three-year project.
World Economic Forum (WEF)
WEF is an international institution committed to improving the state of the world through public-private cooperation. WEF engages political, business, academic and other leaders of society in collaborative efforts to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
World Health Organization: The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH)
Through our Zinc & Health program, Teck is a member of PMNCH, a global health partnership hosted by the World Health Organization. PMNCH’s mission is to connect private sector companies with government, non-government organizations and academia to scale up life-saving interventions for women and children.
Zinc Alliance for Child Health
Through our Zinc & Health program, Teck has partnered with UNICEF, Nutrition International and the Government of Canada to create the Zinc Alliance for Child Health (ZACH). Read more about our Zinc & Health program.