Person in safety gear, hard hat, and vest standing before an expansive industrial landscape and mountains.

Carmen de Andacollo

Carmen de Andacollo is a copper and gold mine located in central Chile.

About Carmen de Andacollo

Carmen de Andacollo is located in the Coquimbo Region of central Chile at an elevation of 1,000 metres, approximately 350 kilometres north of Santiago, near the southern limit of the Atacama Desert.

Teck owns a 90% interest in the mine. Empresa Nacional de MinerĂ­a holds the remaining 10%.

Carmen de Andacollo is an open pit mine, producing copper in concentrates from the hypogene portion of the orebody. Copper cathode production from the supergene portion of the orebody is currently approaching completion. The majority of mine personnel live in the town of Andacollo, immediately adjacent to the mine, or in the nearby cities of Coquimbo and La Serena.


Carmen de Andacollo Operating Results

($ in millions)

2024 2023 2022





Gross profit (loss)




Gross profit (loss) before depreciation and amortization1




Production (thousand tonnes)2




Sales (thousand tonnes)2



1 This is a non-GAAP financial measure or ratio. See "Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Ratios" section of the Management's Discussion and Analysis for further information. 
2 We include 100% of production and sales from our Carmen de Andacollo mine in our production and sales volumes, even though we do not own 100% of this operation, because we fully consolidate this result in our financial statements.
