Mining facility with colorful buildings, mountains in the background, and a water body in the foreground.

Red Dog

Red Dog Operations is one of the world's largest zinc mines, located in northwest Alaska, USA.

About Red Dog

Red Dog Operations is one of the world's largest zinc mines, located about 170 kilometers (105 miles) north of the Arctic Circle in northwest Alaska, near Kotzebue.

In 1982, Red Dog Operations was developed through an innovative operating agreement between the operator Teck and the land-owner NANA, a Regional Alaska Native corporation owned by the Iñupiat of northwest Alaska. The mine and concentrator properties are leased from, and were developed under the agreement with NANA.

Red Dog is an open-pit truck-and-loader operation, using conventional drill and blast mining methods. Concentrates produced at Red Dog are shipped to our metallurgical facilities in Trail, British Columbia, and to customers in Asia and Europe.

The current mine life, based on existing developed deposits, is expected to extend through to 2031.

Benefits and Impacts of Red Dog Mine

Red Dog Operating Results

($ in millions)

2024 2023 2022


$2,059 $1,596 $2,111

Gross profit (loss)

$620 $408 $862

Gross profit (loss) before depreciation and amortization1

$851 $611 $1,060

Production — contained in concentrate (thousand tonnes)

556 540 553

Sales (thousand tonnes)

574 553 578
1 This is a non-GAAP financial measure or ratio. See "Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Ratios" section of the Management's Discussion and Analysis for further information.
Person in orange jacket examining a rock with both hands outdoors, with blurred background.


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