Talent Without Limits — Teck’s Disability Inclusion Journey

At Teck, we recognize the invaluable contribution of diversity—the many different and unique qualities that each individual brings to our work every day. This diversity not only enriches our workforce but also enhances the overall strength and resilience of Teck as a company. We are committed to fostering an environment that respects and values the diversity present in our people and the communities around us.

One important aspect of our commitment is the dedication to the respect and inclusion of people with disabilities. We have led initiatives to enhance understanding and provide proper support to employees with disabilities, both visible and invisible, at our Quebrada Blanca and Carmen de Andacollo Operations, ensuring they have equal opportunities to thrive and succeed in their roles. Through these efforts, by the end of 2023 the number of employees with disabilities across our Chilean sites had more than tripled from 2020.

At our Chilean operations, we established robust support mechanisms to ensure the success of disabled people in their workplace. This involves implementing reasonable adjustments and accommodations in the workplace, providing additional training and resources for supervisors, and empowering our human resources teams with specialized training as disability experts. 

Furthermore, initiatives were implemented to promote disability awareness across our Chilean operations through webinars, online training, communication campaigns, inclusion guides and talks. In collaboration with an organization specialized in labor inclusion, we have conducted open webinars and training. This initiative aims to enhance our workforce’s understanding about visible and invisible disabilities and emphasize the importance of inclusion and the need for collective support. 

As part of our recognition of the importance of partnerships in creating opportunities for people with disabilities, Teck proudly became the first mining company to join Red de Empresas Inclusivas (ReIN). Aligned with its mission to incorporate individuals with disabilities into the workplace, ReIN was established in 2015 through a collaboration between the Sociedad de Fomento Fabril (SOFOFA) alliance and the International Labour Organization (ILO) and serves as an inclusive network with over 80 member companies. This organization has been instrumental in providing mentorship and support, assisting in the establishment of responsible and inclusive labor processes and practices for our employees with disabilities. 

Jorge García, a Heavy Equipment Operator at Teck’s Quebrada Blanca Operations, has shown courage and confidence during his first year as an operator. Diagnosed with hypoacusis (partial or total hearing loss) at age 13, Jorge does not let it stand in his way. He wears hearing aids to support his hearing and sees himself no differently than his colleagues.

"At Teck, I have always been welcomed with open arms,” said Jorge. “I feel that I am in a very pleasant environment where my colleagues see me as one of them, with no differences.”
Teck remains committed to cultivate a respectful and inclusive workplace for all. We firmly believe that all people are important, and we are stronger and better when we embrace diversity together. 

Read more about our approach to equity, diversity and inclusion on our website. 


First published on March 01, 2024