Collaborating with Local Communities to Support Initiatives in Andacollo

Every year, Teck sponsors the Mesa Comunidad Andacollina Teck, which funds projects such as improving and building new infrastructure for the Andacollo community in Chile.
Photo: Every year, Teck sponsors the Mesa Comunidad Andacollina Teck, which funds projects such as improving and building new infrastructure for the Andacollo community in Chile. 


In Andacollo, Chile, Teck sponsors the Mesa Comunidad Andacollina Teck (CAT Board), or ‘Andacollo Teck Community Board’. The CAT Board was formed to promote dialogue with and participation of the Andacollo community in local development planning. Through the CAT Board, the Andacollo municipality and Teck’s Carmen de Andacollo (CdA) operation work collaborate on sustainable development for the community and surrounding areas.

Investing in our local communities is a part of our dedication to build strong relationships in the areas where we operate. The CAT Board oversees an annual project competition, open to the public and funded by Teck, to identify sustainable development initiatives. Since 2018, Teck has committed annual donations of up to US$1 million to this purpose and funded nearly 90 projects to improve the quality of life for residents within the community.

About the CAT Board

In 2017, the CAT Board was created to give the residents of Andacollo an opportunity to collaborate on community development projects. The Board includes members from 15 organizations representing the social, political, and economic activities of the Andacollo community. The CAT Board organizes an annual competition in which local organizations can propose a project for funding. Teck provides up to US$1 million every year to be allocated towards winning projects selected through this process. The Board ensures that potential funded projects are evaluated based on eligibility criteria, the funds are distributed appropriately and approved projects move toward completion.

The Public Project Competition

To be selected for funding, a project is evaluated based on criteria of value of the Andacollo community, including the degree of community interest in the topic and potential for the project to address social inequalities. The selected projects must benefit one of four areas:

  • Social and Environment: focus on education, infrastructure, social organizations and environmental projects.

  • Health: health care resources such as new ambulances, laboratories, health services or hospital infrastructure.

  • Sports and Culture: promotion of sports and active lifestyles, or cultural expression and preservation.

  • Economy: support for local business such as mining, tourism, and agriculture.

In 2021 CAT adopted a new methodology in which the citizens of Andacollo were invited to directly participate in the voting process for proposed projects. This new approach led to unprecedented community engagement, with 3,337 citizens voting. This more open process has been considered a success by both the CAT Board and the community.

The winners of the 2021 competition include projects addressing improvements to emergency response services, improvements to provide greater access to water, installing photovoltaic systems to provide power to an agricultural community, and initiatives supporting sports and culture.

Over the past four years, the CAT Board has contributed to positive social, economic, and environmental outcomes for the Andacollo communities. 

Learn more about our approach to Relationships with Communities on our website.

In 2021, one of the winning projects funded by Teck through the Mesa Comunidad Andacollina focused on providing potable water for the Andacollo Community in Chile.