Innovation and Technology

Meet the Innovator: Aaron Wylie

In this second of a series profiling innovators across Teck, we meet Aaron Wylie, Superintendent, Transformational Technology, Highland Valley Copper

Father, Mountaineer, Change-Maker

“If you’re not growing, you’re dying,” says Aaron Wylie, Superintendent, Transformational Technology at Highland Valley Copper (HVC) near Kamloops, B.C. An avid snowboarder and mountaineer, Aaron is always looking to push the limits, and he brings that same attitude to work in pushing the boundaries of technology at Teck.

After graduating from the University of British Columbia as a Mining Engineer, Aaron has held many roles in his 13 years at Teck, from mine operations to mine engineering to health and safety, all of which have involved significant shifts in culture and change in practices.

With this experience, Aaron was tasked with leading the implementation of groundbreaking new technologies at the mine to improve safety performance, increase productivity, enhance sustainability, and ultimately extend the life of the operation. And it’s a task he has embraced enthusiastically.

“It’s not just an evolution; it’s a revolution. Implementing these kinds of new technologies at HVC has major potential to extend the life of the mine, sustain existing jobs, improve environmental performance and, most importantly, improve safety,” says Aaron.

Operationalizing these technologies, such as Smart Shovels and blast movement monitoring, does present challenges, though. 

“When implementing new technology, there are three elements for successful organizational transformation: people, process and technology. Technology can be installed and process can be created, but people need to understand the benefits and be equipped with the skills in order to support change. That’s why focusing on people is the first and most important priority as we transform mining today and in the future.”

“Together, we can maximize the value of the resources we extract and improve sustainability by using technology,” says Aaron. “We have an obligation to our employees, communities and shareholders to be as innovative and competitive as possible.” 

Thank You

Download Connect, Volume 23

Many thanks to those who contributed to and participated in this issue of Connect: Catherine Adair, Community Relations Leader, Trail Operations; Mohammad Babaei, Lead, Digital Mining Innovation, TDS, Vancouver office; Barbara Brice, Senior Human Resources Generalist, Pend Oreille Operations; Alannah Cervenko, Lead, Strategic Partnerships, Community and Government Relations, Vancouver office; Peter Cunningham, Director, Digital Operations, TDS, Sparwood office; Chris D’Odorico, Manager, Health & Safety, Trail Operations; Rebecca Edwards, Communications Coordinator, Sparwood office; Anna Gravelle, Administrative Assistant, Sparwood office; Zane Gravelle, Certified Electrician, Maintenance, Line Creek Operations; David Hood, Director, Infrastructure, TDS, Santiago office; Deborah Riddick, Security Program Manager, TDS, Vancouver office; Kal Ruberg, Vice President, TDS and Chief Information Officer; Greta Schuerch, Senior Government Relations Coordinator, Red Dog Operations; Susan Stocker, Manager, Knowledge Management & Technical Communication, Vancouver office; Nicole Tapia, Communications Specialist, Corporate Affairs, Vancouver office; Carlos Viejo, Advanced Mining Analytics Specialist, TDS, Sparwood office; Aaron Wylie, Superintendent, Transformational Tech, Highland Valley Copper

Two people in safety gear at a rocky site, one pointing towards a distant landscape under blue sky.

On the Cover

Working together for a stronger Teck. Photo taken at Carmen de Andacollo Operations in Chile.


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