Inclusion and Diversity

We Are… The Women of Teck

March 8 marks International Women’s Day, a day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women while also focusing world attention on areas requiring further action. 

Now, more than ever, there is a strong call to action to press forward and progress gender parity. This year’s theme, #PressforProgress, encourages us all to motivate and unite friends, colleagues and communities to think, act and be gender inclusive.

To celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day, Connect spoke with a few of the more than 1,300 accomplished women across our company. Here, these exceptional women who have chosen a career at Teck across a wide range of occupations, share their thoughts on International Women’s Day, the future for women in mining, and diversity and inclusion at Teck.


Marlena Anderson

Community Relations Supervisor
Highland Valley Copper

“International Women’s Day is about recognizing and celebrating our accomplishments, our contributions, as well as our diversity. It’s continuing to strive for equal opportunities, while supporting women breaking barriers and girls in their pursuit of opportunities. Teck’s approach to inclusion and diversity is about setting the stage for change. The advice I would give other women joining our industry is to be bold and stay strong.”


Erin Lee Buck

Metallurgical Engineer-in-Training
Pend Oreille Mine

“Women should know that just because they haven’t done something before, it doesn’t mean they can’t do it. When I was first introduced to the idea of working in mining, I took a leap of faith, and it turned out that I had skills that could be applied within this industry. I have also been supported and encouraged in my endeavors at Teck and thoughtfully mentored. Because I know I have support from my colleagues and supervisor, I have the confidence to explore projects outside of my regular skill set. I hope that stories like this can give others the confidence to take a step in a new direction they might not have imagined for themselves."

Angélica Gálvez

Mechanic, Plant Maintenance
Carmen de Andacollo Operations

“International Women’s Day emphasizes the importance and significance of all the different roles women fulfill, both in the workforce and at home. It’s a day that exists to celebrate all of our work. Press for progress for me is about continuing to work towards equality. The results of work performed by a woman or a man is the same and we have to recognize that.”


Victoria Sterritt

Lead, Technology and Innovation
Vancouver office

“Press for progress means speaking my truth in an open way that promotes dialogue, in order to enact the changes we need to see. Being a woman in this industry means being a minority, for better or for worse, but it also means the opportunity to be an agent for change. I am hopeful about the future of inclusion and diversity at Teck when I look around me and see the incredible women I work with—they are powerful, smart and fun. I’m also inspired by the men I work with who are open to having the difficult conversations that we need to have. We have a long way to go, but I’m really inspired by the progress that I’ve seen in the last few years and about the exponential movement that we’ll see in the years to come.”


Elaina Ware

General Manager
Greenhills Operations

“When I think about International Women’s Day, what comes to mind is making sure that all people have opportunities to do their best. It’s important for us to make sure that women, and men, are given those chances. A lot has changed around inclusion of women in the mining industry since I began my career around 20 years ago. It wasn’t unusual for me to be the only woman in the room; in fact, it was the norm when I started. There were times when I struggled to have a voice loud enough to be heard, and that’s very different today. Now, it’s really about making sure that everyone’s voice is heard. At Teck, what gives me hope are the values we have, which naturally align with inclusion and diversity. When we talk about excellence and courage, these values fit right in. I think that we’re going to unlock tremendous value because of the courageous work we’re doing with inclusion.” 


Celebrating International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the accomplishments of the women in our own lives, as well as those here at Teck and around the world. The day is also an important reminder that a diverse workforce brings together individuals with a range of backgrounds and perspectives, and that together, they can help build a stronger company. 

To help spread the message of progress and inclusivity, you can share the inspriring video above, featuring these and other women of Teck, or, like it on Teck's Facebook page.

Thank You

Download Connect, Volume 21

Many thanks to those who contributed to and participated in this issue of Connect: 

Catherine Adair, Community Relations Leader, Trail Operations; Marlena Anderson, Community Relations Supervisor, Highland Valley Copper; Cindy Bohmer, Plant Operator, Elkview Operations; Dallas Cain, Superintendent, Health & Safety, Trail Operations; Alannah Cervenko, Leader, Community Investment and Partnerships, Vancouver office; Chris D’Odorico, Manager of Health & Safety, Trail Operations; Dave Harrington, Senior Technical Analyst, Line Creek Operations; Glenda and Dean Hewitt, retired; Sadie Ismay, Events Planning Lead, Corporate Affairs, Vancouver office; Lisa Larson, Safety Coordinator and Avalanche Forecaster, Sparwood office; Raymond Maloney, Field Technician, Exploration, Europe; Tanya McCarthy, HR Business Partner, Talent Management, Human Resources, Vancouver office; Greg Richards, Superintendent, Knowledge Management, Trail Operations; Victoria Sterritt, Lead, Technology and Innovation, Vancouver office; Allyson Stoll, Metallurgist, Red Dog Operations; Nicole Tapia, Communications Specialist, Corporate Affairs, Santiago office; Elaina Ware, General Manager, Greenhills Operations; Jeff Williams, Environmental Performance Lead, Sparwood office

Woman in safety gear standing in front of construction equipment at an industrial site.

On the Cover

Wanesa Anderson
Heavy Equipment Operator
Line Creek Operations


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