Our Business

Now Available: Never Rest on Your Ores by Norman B. Keevil

Never Rest on Your Ores, a new book by Teck chairman Norman B. Keevil, is a lively and detailed look at how Teck was built from the ground up

Covering 100 years of Canadian mining and business history, the book discusses the discovery and building of mines, the mechanics of financing in a volatile and cyclical industry, and the role of mergers and acquisitions in building a Canadian mining company.

It provides a unique behind-the-scenes look at the business leaders, politicians and colourful characters who have played a key role in shaping Canada and the global mining industry.

Copies are available in major bookstores or can be ordered directly from the McGill-Queen’s University Press website at www.mqup.ca

Thank You

Download Connect, Volume 21

Many thanks to those who contributed to and participated in this issue of Connect: 

Catherine Adair, Community Relations Leader, Trail Operations; Marlena Anderson, Community Relations Supervisor, Highland Valley Copper; Cindy Bohmer, Plant Operator, Elkview Operations; Dallas Cain, Superintendent, Health & Safety, Trail Operations; Alannah Cervenko, Leader, Community Investment and Partnerships, Vancouver office; Chris D’Odorico, Manager of Health & Safety, Trail Operations; Dave Harrington, Senior Technical Analyst, Line Creek Operations; Glenda and Dean Hewitt, retired; Sadie Ismay, Events Planning Lead, Corporate Affairs, Vancouver office; Lisa Larson, Safety Coordinator and Avalanche Forecaster, Sparwood office; Raymond Maloney, Field Technician, Exploration, Europe; Tanya McCarthy, HR Business Partner, Talent Management, Human Resources, Vancouver office; Greg Richards, Superintendent, Knowledge Management, Trail Operations; Victoria Sterritt, Lead, Technology and Innovation, Vancouver office; Allyson Stoll, Metallurgist, Red Dog Operations; Nicole Tapia, Communications Specialist, Corporate Affairs, Santiago office; Elaina Ware, General Manager, Greenhills Operations; Jeff Williams, Environmental Performance Lead, Sparwood office

Woman in safety gear standing in front of construction equipment at an industrial site.

On the Cover

Wanesa Anderson
Heavy Equipment Operator
Line Creek Operations


Have a story that you would like to share through Connect? Submit your article and high-quality photos to: connect@teck.com