Important Update on the Lladnar Creek Wildfire Evacuation Alert
As of 21:00 August 3, the District of Sparwood has issued an expanded Evacuation Alert that now includes the Whiskey Jack area, Elk Valley Trailer Court, Savarie Subdivision and everything on the west side of Highway 43 up to 6161 Upper Elk Valley Road (see map below).
From the District of Sparwood:
An Evacuation Alert has been issued by the District of Sparwood and the Regional District of East Kootenay at the Regional Emergency Operations Centre (REOC) due to the potential danger to life and health by the Lladnar Creek Wildfire.
The Evacuation Alert is hereby issued to dwellings in the following areas West of Highway 43.
Properties north of Sparwood Heights Drive including:
- Whiskey Jack Subdivision
- Elk Valley Trailer Park
- Upper & Lower Lodgepole Trailer Park
- Savarie Road & Savarie Frontage Road
- All properties west of the highway up to 6161 Upper Elk Valley Road.
An Evacuation Alert has been issued to prepare you to evacuate your premises or property should it be found necessary. Residents will be given as much advance notice as possible prior to evacuation; however, you may receive limited notice due to changing conditions.
Read the full District of Sparwood UPDATED: Evacuation Alert Extended at https://sparwood.ca/updated-evacuation-alert-extended/
A reminder of Teck’s guidance on leave and support for employees being directly or indirectly affected due to the following situations:
Employees on Evacuation Alert of their Primary Residence – Unpaid leave will be granted if requested, to deal with preparation for evacuation.
Employees on Evacuation Order of their Primary Residence – Paid leave will be granted up to 5 days, or less if the order has been rescinded.
Employees who reported that they were unable to attend work due to their primary residence being under a mandatory Evacuation Order will be granted “leave with pay”, for regular shifts missed, for up to 5 days or less if the Evacuation Order has been rescinded. The need to continue or conclude “leave with pay” would be assessed as needed based on wildfire activity and/or Evacuation Order status.
Assisting family members under Evacuation Order of their Primary Residence – Unpaid leave will be granted if requested, to support family members.
Teck’s Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) is a free and confidential 24/7 service available for eligible employees, spouses and dependents who require support services, digital mental health and wellness support, crisis counselling, and/or referrals to community resources.
Let's continue to work together to ensure we support our colleagues affected by the wildfire and maintain each other's health and safety at work and at home. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me, or a member of our Emergency Operating Center team @ health&safetybu@teck.com
Dallas Cain Director, Health & Safety
Wildfire Evacuation Alert – Matevic Road and Sparwood Heights
This evening, the District of Sparwood issued an Evacuation Alert for properties on Upper and Lower Matevic Road, and all properties in Sparwood Heights located south of Sparwood Heights Drive, due to location and behavior of the Lladnar Creek Fire. You are not required to leave your home. The Evacuation Alert is in preparation for a potential Evacuation Order. The Lladnar Creek Fire does not currently pose a threat to employee safety at our operations or offices.
Our absolute priority is ensuring the safety of all our employees. Leadership has implemented employee safety measures to respond immediately at our sites and offices in the event of an Evacuation Order. We will continue to monitor the situation and remain in contact with agencies managing the response.
We would also like to provide guidance on leave and support for employees being directly or indirectly affected due to the following situations:
- Employees on Evacuation Order of their Primary Residence – Paid leave will be granted up to 5 days, or less if the order has been rescinded.
Employees who reported that they were unable to attend work due to their primary residence being under a mandatory Evacuation Order will be granted “leave with pay”, for regular shifts missed, for up to 5 days or less if the Evacuation Order has been rescinded. The need to continue or conclude “leave with pay” would be assessed as needed based on wildfire activity and/or Evacuation Order status.
- Employees on Evacuation Alert of their Primary Residence – Unpaid leave will be granted if requested, to deal with preparation for evacuation.
- Assisting family members under Evacuation Order of their Primary Residence – Unpaid leave will be granted if requested, to support family members.
Teck’s Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) is a free and confidential 24/7 service available for eligible employees, spouses and dependents who require support services, digital mental health and wellness support, crisis counselling, and/or referrals to community resources.
Learn more about the affected area and how to build your own Grab-and-Go Bag to better prepare for the Evacuation Alert.
We will continue to provide updates on the evolving situation and encourage all employees to ensure that they and their families are fully prepared if an Evacuation Order is issued.
Robin Sheremeta
Senior Vice President, Coal
Information for Coal Employees Regarding Cummings Creek Fire
Please be advised that Teck is closely monitoring the Cummings Creek wildfire west of Sparwood and is in direct contact with representatives from BC Wildfire Service, Regional District of East Kootenay Emergency Management, the District of Sparwood, the District of Elkford and the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation.
A Teck representative is a member of the Integrated Support Unit, which operates under the direction of BC Wildfire Service from a control centre in Elko, B.C. This representation will ensure employees and contractors across our operations and offices remain informed as the situation evolves.
Site evacuation plans have been reviewed and contingency planning is underway. Should the situation evolve to the extent an evacuation alert or evacuation order is issued, we are prepared to respond accordingly.
Teck will continue to support the efforts of the fire response teams as requested.
We will continue to provide updates as available. Updates are also available directly from BC Wildfire Service via its app, which can be found in the App Store or on Google Play.
Robin Sheremeta
Senior Vice President, Coal
COVID-19: Update Regarding Mask-Wearing Requirements at Teck Operations and Offices in North America
Given the sustained decline in COVID-19 cases, increasing vaccination rates and the latest public health guidance, Teck will commence a measured easing of mask-wearing requirements at operations and offices in North America, beginning July 1 and continuing through to early September.
New mask-wearing requirements
Effective July 1, the following new mask-wearing requirements will come into effect:
- Employees will no longer be required to wear N95/C95/KN95 respirators, except where required for non-COVID workplace exposures.
- Employees will be required to wear a surgical mask, at a minimum, in all indoor spaces, except in workspaces or offices where only one person is working. While the required use of N95/C95/KN95 respirators has been relaxed, these will continue to be available to those who would prefer a higher level of protection. If you choose to use a respirator, appropriate training in its use and a clean-shaven approach is recommended.
- Surgical masks or respirators are required while travelling via Teck-provided transportation. All other transportation requirements remain in effect.
- Exception to mask wearing is limited to those who are medically exempt.
The above does not apply to anyone required to use a regular half-face respirator in their work area or to other non-COVID-related workplace exposures where an N95/C95/KN95 is required.
Based on local conditions and following a risk assessment (e.g., adequate ventilation/filtration, room occupancy limits, ability to maintain 2 metres/6 feet physical distance, and voluntary disclosure of full vaccination status), site senior leadership may decide to move to mask-wearing adjustments for certain small group meetings.
Please note that these mask-wearing requirements remain in effect as a preventative measure at Teck locations for now, despite changes in provincial public health guidance for mask-wearing in indoor public spaces in B.C. We will continue to adjust our protocols and preventative measures in response to public health guidelines, vaccination rates, and/or changes to the risk exposure at our operations and in our local community.
If you have any questions, please email covid-19@teck.com.
COVID-19 Protocol Reminder
Like many parts of the world, Canada is experiencing an increased prevalence of the Omicron variant of COVID-19. Omicron is extremely transmissible and has shown to be able to infect those who have received only two doses of vaccine and those who have natural immunity.
As such, employees and contractors are reminded to be extremely vigilant in following COVID-19 health and safety protocols both in the workplace and at home. Teck’s COVID-19 Response Committee is closely monitoring developments related to Omicron, and guidance and protocols will be updated as necessary to protect the health and safety of our people and our communities.
Mask and Respirator Use:
- Employees are required to wear a three-layered surgical mask at minimum in elevators and when in the hallways, washroom facilities and other shared spaces.
- Employees must also wear surgical masks if other individuals are present. Where people are not in shared spaces and working alone, masks may be removed.
- Use of a N95/C95/KN95 respirator may be required at specific operations, as directed by site leadership. A clean-shaven interference-free seal is recommended when using an N95/C95/KN95 respirator.
- Omicron’s high transmission rate is thought to be due in part to increased aerosol spread. As such, a well-fitted N95/C95/KN95 respirator with an interference-free seal can provide additional protection.
- Surgical masks or respirators are required while travelling via Teck-provided transportation.
- Exception to mask or respirator wearing is limited to those who are medically exempt.
- Please see these mask-wearing guidelines for tips to ensure effective mask use.
The above does not apply to anyone required to use a regular half-face respirator in their work area or to other non-COVID-related workplace exposures where an N95/C95/KN95 is required.
- Work travel should only be undertaken for business-critical reasons unable to be accomplished remotely. Approval is required prior to travel.
- All proposed international business travel requires approval from your Senior Vice President.
- All proposed domestic business travel requires approval from your Vice President and the relevant site General Manager.
Employees undertaking personal travel are urged to monitor current travel advisories and testing requirements in their jurisdiction. Changes are occurring frequently.
Rapid Screening:
- Employees are strongly encouraged to take part in the rapid screening programs offered by Teck as an additional layer of protection. For more information, go to www.teck.com/screening.
- Teck has also expanded the COVID-19 rapid antigen screening program to include at-home screening in some jurisdictions. Click here for more information about the at-home screening program.
- Even when vaccinated, there is benefit to the additional layer of support offered by this screening program, as there is evidence of breakthrough cases, especially for those who have only received two doses of a vaccine.
- The rapid antigen tests have been shown to effectively detect the Omicron variant.
- Anyone with a positive rapid antigen test result requires a PCR test, unless directed otherwise by local public health.
- Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 is required to contact their local public health authority and get PCR-tested for COVID-19 if directed.
Full vaccination:
- Everyone is strongly encouraged to get fully vaccinated, if medically able. For those working in Teck’s corporate offices, full vaccination is mandatory as of November 15, 2021.
- Those who have already had two doses of vaccine are strongly encouraged to get the third dose (known as a ‘booster shot’) as soon as it’s available to you in your jurisdiction.
- A third dose protects against infection and illness from Omicron.
- Vaccines are overwhelmingly safe and extremely effective and have been shown to significantly reduce the chances of becoming infected, seriously ill or dying from COVID-19.
Staying home if sick:
- If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home, contact your local public health authority, and get tested for COVID-19 if directed.
- If you or anyone in your household has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 10 days or is currently waiting for a COVID-19 test result, please stay home.
As with all aspects of health and safety, Teck encourages employees and contractors to continue to practice healthy and safe behaviours outside of the work environment as well. Please follow all local public health and safety requirements. With the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, please consider wearing masks and respirators routinely in public settings, and please use caution regarding social gatherings and travel.
For any questions, please email covid-19@teck.com.
Government of B.C.: COVID-19 Vaccination and Immunization
Alberta Health Services: Immunization Booking
Government of Ontario: Immunization Booking
Update on COVID-19 at Coal Operations
We are seeing increasing COVID-19 case numbers across Coal operations and within the surrounding communities. We have cases at all four Elk Valley sites currently totalling 26 cases with another 70 close contacts in isolation. These numbers are changing daily. The increase in cases is largely due to the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant among unvaccinated and partially vaccinated populations. To minimize the risk of transmission onsite, additional controls may be implemented in areas and/or groups where there is an increased risk including mandatory KN95/C95/N95s, rapid screening, and staggered shifts to reduce congestion.
It is critical that all employees and contractors consider getting fully vaccinated as soon as possible. Full vaccination is the key control to preventing the spread of the Delta variant as it sharply reduces the transmission of the virus to others and significantly reduces the chances of becoming seriously ill or dying from COVID-19. With more than 51 million doses already administered in Canada, and the Federal government’s recent decision to require vaccinations for all federal public servants, air and train passengers, the evidence is clear that vaccines are overwhelmingly safe, extremely effective and key to successfully fighting COVID-19.
We are working with Interior Health to provide additional pop-up vaccine clinics onsite for all employees and contractors to receive either first or second doses. In addition, online booking appointments and drop-in clinics are available throughout various communities in B.C. and Alberta. For more information please visit Alberta Immunization Booking or Vax for B.C.
It is important that we remain diligent with our current COVID-19 protocols including following mask requirements at work and during transportation, hand hygiene, self-monitoring for symptoms and staying home from work if you are sick. We will continue to focus on the rapid screening program as we progress through the fourth wave of the pandemic as it has been proven to be effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Thank you for doing your part to keep yourself, your co-workers, your family and your community safe.
Robin Sheremeta
Senior Vice President, Coal
COVID-19: Update Regarding Vaccination Programs and Requirements at Teck Operations
COVID-19 vaccinations are critical in our fight against COVID-19. To support the health and safety of our people and communities, all employees who are able to are strongly encouraged to get fully vaccinated as soon as possible. Full vaccination significantly reduces the chances of becoming seriously ill or dying from COVID-19, including the Delta variant, and sharply reduces the transmission of the virus to others.
The evidence is clear that vaccines are overwhelmingly safe and extremely effective. For information about COVID-19 vaccines, including answers to questions about safety, effectiveness and why getting vaccinated is important for everyone, please read this document featuring frequently asked questions with Dr. Joshua Tepper, Teck’s Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Tepper has been conducting a series of virtual townhall Q&A sessions with Teck employees across our operations and may also be reached directly at Joshua.Tepper@teck.com to discuss any questions or concerns about vaccination or COVID-19.
Getting Vaccinated
To book your vaccination in B.C., please visit www.gov.bc.ca and click ‘COVID-19 Response’. To find a drop-in vaccination clinic in B.C., please visit www.gov.bc.ca, click ‘COVID-19 Response’ and then ‘Drop-in vaccine clinics’.
To book your vaccination in Alberta, please visit Alberta Immunization Booking.
Vaccination Prize Draws
Teck operations in Canada will be hosting prize draws for employees who submit proof of full vaccination (first and second dose) to win prizes including cash, paid time off and a weekend getaway. More information on these prize draws will be provided to eligible employees at sites in the coming weeks.
Employee Vaccination Paid Day Off Update
As announced on April 23, 2021, Teck is also providing the equivalent of one additional day of paid leave for all eligible staff and hourly employees to cover both first and second COVID-19 vaccination appointments. This day is inclusive of the hours guaranteed by applicable employment standards legislation. Please refer to the Employee Vaccination Paid Day Off announcement for additional information.
Please note, this paid day off incentive offer will expire on November 15, 2021. Proof of vaccination must be submitted to your supervisor or Human Resources as soon as possible and no later than November 15, 2021 to qualify. The eligible forms of proof of vaccination are your unique QR (Quick Reference) code or other official written documentation issued by local public health authorities.
Unvaccinated Employees and Income Protection
Effective November 15, 2021, employees at Teck operations in Canada who are not fully vaccinated and are unable to work because they are self-isolating (e.g., having come into contact with someone with COVID-19), but are not themselves sick, will no longer be eligible for income protection beyond any applicable minimum statutory paid leave benefits, absent an approved exemption request. Fully vaccinated employees who self-isolate upon the recommendation or direction from public health will continue to be eligible for sick benefits with the waiting period waived. All employees, including employees who are not fully vaccinated, who get sick with a confirmed or presumptive case of COVID-19 will continue to be eligible for sick benefits and the waiting period will be waived.
Mandatory Vaccination for Corporate Offices Effective November 15
On October 4, 2021, Teck announced the requirement for all Teck corporate office employees to be fully vaccinated on or before November 15, 2021, absent an approved exemption from Teck. This requirement includes all visitors, contractors and consultants entering Teck’s corporate offices in Vancouver (including Yaletown), Richmond, Calgary, Toronto and Spokane. At this time, mandatory vaccinations are limited to these Teck locations only. Teck is implementing mandatory vaccination at corporate offices in part because they are located in densely populated urban centers, are accessed by mass transit, and share common spaces (including elevators) with other building tenants unrelated to Teck. We will continue to monitor the ongoing evolution of the pandemic at our operations, including the number of new cases, vaccination rates and changes to the virus.
Click here for the complete COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Corporate Offices.
Click here to review Frequently Asked Questions regarding the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement.
Proof of Full Vaccination for New Hires as a Condition of Employment
Effective immediately, new Teck employees in Canada and Spokane are required to show proof that they are fully vaccinated as a condition of employment, absent an approved exemption request.
What does it mean to be fully vaccinated?
Full vaccination means a person is at least 14 days post-receipt of the full series of vaccines against infection by COVID-19 approved by local public health authorities. Full vaccination includes prompt completion of any applicable COVID-19 boosters if an individual falls within the recommendations set out public health authorities.
Use and Protection of Vaccination Information
COVID-19 vaccination information is collected, used and disclosed in accordance with applicable privacy and health laws and Teck’s Employee Privacy Policy for the purpose of administering the programs set out above and to help ensure we have the safest and most appropriate protocols and preventative measures in place to protect the health and safety of our people from communicable disease. Please direct any privacy questions to privacy.officer@teck.com.
More Information
Further information on Teck's response to COVID-19 is available on connect.teck and at www.teck.com/bestdefence. Additional questions may be directed to HR by emailing covid-19@teck.com.
Important Update on the Lladnar Creek Wildfire Evacuation Alert
As of 21:00 August 3, the District of Sparwood has issued an expanded Evacuation Alert that now includes the Whiskey Jack area, Elk Valley Trailer Court, Savarie Subdivision and everything on the west side of Highway 43 up to 6161 Upper Elk Valley Road (see map below).
From the District of Sparwood:
An Evacuation Alert has been issued by the District of Sparwood and the Regional District of East Kootenay at the Regional Emergency Operations Centre (REOC) due to the potential danger to life and health by the Lladnar Creek Wildfire.
The Evacuation Alert is hereby issued to dwellings in the following areas West of Highway 43.
Properties north of Sparwood Heights Drive including:
- Whiskey Jack Subdivision
- Elk Valley Trailer Park
- Upper & Lower Lodgepole Trailer Park
- Savarie Road & Savarie Frontage Road
- All properties west of the highway up to 6161 Upper Elk Valley Road.
An Evacuation Alert has been issued to prepare you to evacuate your premises or property should it be found necessary. Residents will be given as much advance notice as possible prior to evacuation; however, you may receive limited notice due to changing conditions.
Read the full District of Sparwood UPDATED: Evacuation Alert Extended at https://sparwood.ca/updated-evacuation-alert-extended/
A reminder of Teck’s guidance on leave and support for employees being directly or indirectly affected due to the following situations:
Employees on Evacuation Alert of their Primary Residence – Unpaid leave will be granted if requested, to deal with preparation for evacuation.
Employees on Evacuation Order of their Primary Residence – Paid leave will be granted up to 5 days, or less if the order has been rescinded.
Employees who reported that they were unable to attend work due to their primary residence being under a mandatory Evacuation Order will be granted “leave with pay”, for regular shifts missed, for up to 5 days or less if the Evacuation Order has been rescinded. The need to continue or conclude “leave with pay” would be assessed as needed based on wildfire activity and/or Evacuation Order status.
Assisting family members under Evacuation Order of their Primary Residence – Unpaid leave will be granted if requested, to support family members.
Teck’s Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) is a free and confidential 24/7 service available for eligible employees, spouses and dependents who require support services, digital mental health and wellness support, crisis counselling, and/or referrals to community resources.
Let's continue to work together to ensure we support our colleagues affected by the wildfire and maintain each other's health and safety at work and at home. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me, or a member of our Emergency Operating Center team @ health&safetybu@teck.com
Dallas Cain Director, Health & Safety
Wildfire Evacuation Alert – Matevic Road and Sparwood Heights
This evening, the District of Sparwood issued an Evacuation Alert for properties on Upper and Lower Matevic Road, and all properties in Sparwood Heights located south of Sparwood Heights Drive, due to location and behavior of the Lladnar Creek Fire. You are not required to leave your home. The Evacuation Alert is in preparation for a potential Evacuation Order. The Lladnar Creek Fire does not currently pose a threat to employee safety at our operations or offices.
Our absolute priority is ensuring the safety of all our employees. Leadership has implemented employee safety measures to respond immediately at our sites and offices in the event of an Evacuation Order. We will continue to monitor the situation and remain in contact with agencies managing the response.
We would also like to provide guidance on leave and support for employees being directly or indirectly affected due to the following situations:
- Employees on Evacuation Order of their Primary Residence – Paid leave will be granted up to 5 days, or less if the order has been rescinded.
Employees who reported that they were unable to attend work due to their primary residence being under a mandatory Evacuation Order will be granted “leave with pay”, for regular shifts missed, for up to 5 days or less if the Evacuation Order has been rescinded. The need to continue or conclude “leave with pay” would be assessed as needed based on wildfire activity and/or Evacuation Order status.
- Employees on Evacuation Alert of their Primary Residence – Unpaid leave will be granted if requested, to deal with preparation for evacuation.
- Assisting family members under Evacuation Order of their Primary Residence – Unpaid leave will be granted if requested, to support family members.
Teck’s Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) is a free and confidential 24/7 service available for eligible employees, spouses and dependents who require support services, digital mental health and wellness support, crisis counselling, and/or referrals to community resources.
Learn more about the affected area and how to build your own Grab-and-Go Bag to better prepare for the Evacuation Alert.
We will continue to provide updates on the evolving situation and encourage all employees to ensure that they and their families are fully prepared if an Evacuation Order is issued.
Robin Sheremeta
Senior Vice President, Coal
Information for Coal Employees Regarding Cummings Creek Fire
Please be advised that Teck is closely monitoring the Cummings Creek wildfire west of Sparwood and is in direct contact with representatives from BC Wildfire Service, Regional District of East Kootenay Emergency Management, the District of Sparwood, the District of Elkford and the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation.
A Teck representative is a member of the Integrated Support Unit, which operates under the direction of BC Wildfire Service from a control centre in Elko, B.C. This representation will ensure employees and contractors across our operations and offices remain informed as the situation evolves.
Site evacuation plans have been reviewed and contingency planning is underway. Should the situation evolve to the extent an evacuation alert or evacuation order is issued, we are prepared to respond accordingly.
Teck will continue to support the efforts of the fire response teams as requested.
We will continue to provide updates as available. Updates are also available directly from BC Wildfire Service via its app, which can be found in the App Store or on Google Play.
Robin Sheremeta
Senior Vice President, Coal
COVID-19: Update Regarding Mask-Wearing Requirements at Teck Operations and Offices in North America
Given the sustained decline in COVID-19 cases, increasing vaccination rates and the latest public health guidance, Teck will commence a measured easing of mask-wearing requirements at operations and offices in North America, beginning July 1 and continuing through to early September.
New mask-wearing requirements
Effective July 1, the following new mask-wearing requirements will come into effect:
- Employees will no longer be required to wear N95/C95/KN95 respirators, except where required for non-COVID workplace exposures.
- Employees will be required to wear a surgical mask, at a minimum, in all indoor spaces, except in workspaces or offices where only one person is working. While the required use of N95/C95/KN95 respirators has been relaxed, these will continue to be available to those who would prefer a higher level of protection. If you choose to use a respirator, appropriate training in its use and a clean-shaven approach is recommended.
- Surgical masks or respirators are required while travelling via Teck-provided transportation. All other transportation requirements remain in effect.
- Exception to mask wearing is limited to those who are medically exempt.
The above does not apply to anyone required to use a regular half-face respirator in their work area or to other non-COVID-related workplace exposures where an N95/C95/KN95 is required.
Based on local conditions and following a risk assessment (e.g., adequate ventilation/filtration, room occupancy limits, ability to maintain 2 metres/6 feet physical distance, and voluntary disclosure of full vaccination status), site senior leadership may decide to move to mask-wearing adjustments for certain small group meetings.
Please note that these mask-wearing requirements remain in effect as a preventative measure at Teck locations for now, despite changes in provincial public health guidance for mask-wearing in indoor public spaces in B.C. We will continue to adjust our protocols and preventative measures in response to public health guidelines, vaccination rates, and/or changes to the risk exposure at our operations and in our local community.
If you have any questions, please email covid-19@teck.com.
COVID-19 Protocol Reminder
Like many parts of the world, Canada is experiencing an increased prevalence of the Omicron variant of COVID-19. Omicron is extremely transmissible and has shown to be able to infect those who have received only two doses of vaccine and those who have natural immunity.
As such, employees and contractors are reminded to be extremely vigilant in following COVID-19 health and safety protocols both in the workplace and at home. Teck’s COVID-19 Response Committee is closely monitoring developments related to Omicron, and guidance and protocols will be updated as necessary to protect the health and safety of our people and our communities.
Mask and Respirator Use:
- Employees are required to wear a three-layered surgical mask at minimum in elevators and when in the hallways, washroom facilities and other shared spaces.
- Employees must also wear surgical masks if other individuals are present. Where people are not in shared spaces and working alone, masks may be removed.
- Use of a N95/C95/KN95 respirator may be required at specific operations, as directed by site leadership. A clean-shaven interference-free seal is recommended when using an N95/C95/KN95 respirator.
- Omicron’s high transmission rate is thought to be due in part to increased aerosol spread. As such, a well-fitted N95/C95/KN95 respirator with an interference-free seal can provide additional protection.
- Surgical masks or respirators are required while travelling via Teck-provided transportation.
- Exception to mask or respirator wearing is limited to those who are medically exempt.
- Please see these mask-wearing guidelines for tips to ensure effective mask use.
The above does not apply to anyone required to use a regular half-face respirator in their work area or to other non-COVID-related workplace exposures where an N95/C95/KN95 is required.
- Work travel should only be undertaken for business-critical reasons unable to be accomplished remotely. Approval is required prior to travel.
- All proposed international business travel requires approval from your Senior Vice President.
- All proposed domestic business travel requires approval from your Vice President and the relevant site General Manager.
Employees undertaking personal travel are urged to monitor current travel advisories and testing requirements in their jurisdiction. Changes are occurring frequently.
Rapid Screening:
- Employees are strongly encouraged to take part in the rapid screening programs offered by Teck as an additional layer of protection. For more information, go to www.teck.com/screening.
- Teck has also expanded the COVID-19 rapid antigen screening program to include at-home screening in some jurisdictions. Click here for more information about the at-home screening program.
- Even when vaccinated, there is benefit to the additional layer of support offered by this screening program, as there is evidence of breakthrough cases, especially for those who have only received two doses of a vaccine.
- The rapid antigen tests have been shown to effectively detect the Omicron variant.
- Anyone with a positive rapid antigen test result requires a PCR test, unless directed otherwise by local public health.
- Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 is required to contact their local public health authority and get PCR-tested for COVID-19 if directed.
Full vaccination:
- Everyone is strongly encouraged to get fully vaccinated, if medically able. For those working in Teck’s corporate offices, full vaccination is mandatory as of November 15, 2021.
- Those who have already had two doses of vaccine are strongly encouraged to get the third dose (known as a ‘booster shot’) as soon as it’s available to you in your jurisdiction.
- A third dose protects against infection and illness from Omicron.
- Vaccines are overwhelmingly safe and extremely effective and have been shown to significantly reduce the chances of becoming infected, seriously ill or dying from COVID-19.
Staying home if sick:
- If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home, contact your local public health authority, and get tested for COVID-19 if directed.
- If you or anyone in your household has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 10 days or is currently waiting for a COVID-19 test result, please stay home.
As with all aspects of health and safety, Teck encourages employees and contractors to continue to practice healthy and safe behaviours outside of the work environment as well. Please follow all local public health and safety requirements. With the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, please consider wearing masks and respirators routinely in public settings, and please use caution regarding social gatherings and travel.
For any questions, please email covid-19@teck.com.
Government of B.C.: COVID-19 Vaccination and Immunization
Alberta Health Services: Immunization Booking
Government of Ontario: Immunization Booking
Update on COVID-19 at Coal Operations
We are seeing increasing COVID-19 case numbers across Coal operations and within the surrounding communities. We have cases at all four Elk Valley sites currently totalling 26 cases with another 70 close contacts in isolation. These numbers are changing daily. The increase in cases is largely due to the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant among unvaccinated and partially vaccinated populations. To minimize the risk of transmission onsite, additional controls may be implemented in areas and/or groups where there is an increased risk including mandatory KN95/C95/N95s, rapid screening, and staggered shifts to reduce congestion.
It is critical that all employees and contractors consider getting fully vaccinated as soon as possible. Full vaccination is the key control to preventing the spread of the Delta variant as it sharply reduces the transmission of the virus to others and significantly reduces the chances of becoming seriously ill or dying from COVID-19. With more than 51 million doses already administered in Canada, and the Federal government’s recent decision to require vaccinations for all federal public servants, air and train passengers, the evidence is clear that vaccines are overwhelmingly safe, extremely effective and key to successfully fighting COVID-19.
We are working with Interior Health to provide additional pop-up vaccine clinics onsite for all employees and contractors to receive either first or second doses. In addition, online booking appointments and drop-in clinics are available throughout various communities in B.C. and Alberta. For more information please visit Alberta Immunization Booking or Vax for B.C.
It is important that we remain diligent with our current COVID-19 protocols including following mask requirements at work and during transportation, hand hygiene, self-monitoring for symptoms and staying home from work if you are sick. We will continue to focus on the rapid screening program as we progress through the fourth wave of the pandemic as it has been proven to be effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Thank you for doing your part to keep yourself, your co-workers, your family and your community safe.
Robin Sheremeta
Senior Vice President, Coal
COVID-19: Update Regarding Vaccination Programs and Requirements at Teck Operations
COVID-19 vaccinations are critical in our fight against COVID-19. To support the health and safety of our people and communities, all employees who are able to are strongly encouraged to get fully vaccinated as soon as possible. Full vaccination significantly reduces the chances of becoming seriously ill or dying from COVID-19, including the Delta variant, and sharply reduces the transmission of the virus to others.
The evidence is clear that vaccines are overwhelmingly safe and extremely effective. For information about COVID-19 vaccines, including answers to questions about safety, effectiveness and why getting vaccinated is important for everyone, please read this document featuring frequently asked questions with Dr. Joshua Tepper, Teck’s Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Tepper has been conducting a series of virtual townhall Q&A sessions with Teck employees across our operations and may also be reached directly at Joshua.Tepper@teck.com to discuss any questions or concerns about vaccination or COVID-19.
Getting Vaccinated
To book your vaccination in B.C., please visit www.gov.bc.ca and click ‘COVID-19 Response’. To find a drop-in vaccination clinic in B.C., please visit www.gov.bc.ca, click ‘COVID-19 Response’ and then ‘Drop-in vaccine clinics’.
To book your vaccination in Alberta, please visit Alberta Immunization Booking.
Vaccination Prize Draws
Teck operations in Canada will be hosting prize draws for employees who submit proof of full vaccination (first and second dose) to win prizes including cash, paid time off and a weekend getaway. More information on these prize draws will be provided to eligible employees at sites in the coming weeks.
Employee Vaccination Paid Day Off Update
As announced on April 23, 2021, Teck is also providing the equivalent of one additional day of paid leave for all eligible staff and hourly employees to cover both first and second COVID-19 vaccination appointments. This day is inclusive of the hours guaranteed by applicable employment standards legislation. Please refer to the Employee Vaccination Paid Day Off announcement for additional information.
Please note, this paid day off incentive offer will expire on November 15, 2021. Proof of vaccination must be submitted to your supervisor or Human Resources as soon as possible and no later than November 15, 2021 to qualify. The eligible forms of proof of vaccination are your unique QR (Quick Reference) code or other official written documentation issued by local public health authorities.
Unvaccinated Employees and Income Protection
Effective November 15, 2021, employees at Teck operations in Canada who are not fully vaccinated and are unable to work because they are self-isolating (e.g., having come into contact with someone with COVID-19), but are not themselves sick, will no longer be eligible for income protection beyond any applicable minimum statutory paid leave benefits, absent an approved exemption request. Fully vaccinated employees who self-isolate upon the recommendation or direction from public health will continue to be eligible for sick benefits with the waiting period waived. All employees, including employees who are not fully vaccinated, who get sick with a confirmed or presumptive case of COVID-19 will continue to be eligible for sick benefits and the waiting period will be waived.
Mandatory Vaccination for Corporate Offices Effective November 15
On October 4, 2021, Teck announced the requirement for all Teck corporate office employees to be fully vaccinated on or before November 15, 2021, absent an approved exemption from Teck. This requirement includes all visitors, contractors and consultants entering Teck’s corporate offices in Vancouver (including Yaletown), Richmond, Calgary, Toronto and Spokane. At this time, mandatory vaccinations are limited to these Teck locations only. Teck is implementing mandatory vaccination at corporate offices in part because they are located in densely populated urban centers, are accessed by mass transit, and share common spaces (including elevators) with other building tenants unrelated to Teck. We will continue to monitor the ongoing evolution of the pandemic at our operations, including the number of new cases, vaccination rates and changes to the virus.
Click here for the complete COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Corporate Offices.
Click here to review Frequently Asked Questions regarding the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement.
Proof of Full Vaccination for New Hires as a Condition of Employment
Effective immediately, new Teck employees in Canada and Spokane are required to show proof that they are fully vaccinated as a condition of employment, absent an approved exemption request.
What does it mean to be fully vaccinated?
Full vaccination means a person is at least 14 days post-receipt of the full series of vaccines against infection by COVID-19 approved by local public health authorities. Full vaccination includes prompt completion of any applicable COVID-19 boosters if an individual falls within the recommendations set out public health authorities.
Use and Protection of Vaccination Information
COVID-19 vaccination information is collected, used and disclosed in accordance with applicable privacy and health laws and Teck’s Employee Privacy Policy for the purpose of administering the programs set out above and to help ensure we have the safest and most appropriate protocols and preventative measures in place to protect the health and safety of our people from communicable disease. Please direct any privacy questions to privacy.officer@teck.com.
More Information
Further information on Teck's response to COVID-19 is available on connect.teck and at www.teck.com/bestdefence. Additional questions may be directed to HR by emailing covid-19@teck.com.